Through practical educational strategies our work is giving real hope to young people living in some of the poorest areas of the Philippines.
2011 - present day
The AFFLIP Board would like to sincerely thank retiring Board members Lyn Wilkinson, Susan Boucher, Roger Saunders and Mario Trinidad PHD for their commitment and service to the Foundation. In previous years we have farewelled Patron the Hon Stephen Baker and a number of outstanding educators and business people who have provided guidance and support.
Patron Dec 2013 - May 2019
Hon. Stephen Baker had a prominent political career as the member for Mitcham/Waite in the House of Assembly from 1982 - 1997, and Treasurer and Deputy Premier of South Australia for a number of years in the 1990s. Since he left Parliament, Stephen has worked in developing countries for the Asian Development Bank, AusAID and the World Bank, and spent some time in the Philippines. He is currently heavily involved in community organisations such as Rotary.
AFFLIP Board member
Oct 2015 – Dec 2016
Grants and Sponsorship portfolio.
John Harris was the Lecturer for the Flinders University School of Education Professional Experience Program and a lecturer in the School of Humanities. Prior to joining the university, John was the principal of four primary schools in the Department of Education and Children’s Services in South Australia. John was the Manager of the Anangu Lands Partnership Field Trip program and retains Adjunct Academic Status at Flinders University. John was the instigator of what became the Di and John Harris memorial fund which has financially supported AFFLIP’s Learning through the Outdoor Environment Program. Both John and Di have been greatly missed since they passed away in 2016 and 2015 respectively.
Secretary Dec 2016 – Dec 2020
Inaugural Board member
Feb 2012 – Dec 2020
Professional Development in Literacy and Communications Portfolios.
Lyn was previously a senior lecturer at the Flinders University of South Australia and is a specialist in the area of English language and literacy.
Communications, Grants & Sponsorship
and Events portfolios
Chair Dec 2016 - Dec 2019
Board member Feb 2014 – Dec 2020
Susan Boucher has worked at an executive level in the not for profit sector for more than twenty five years across both education and health. She was previously CEO at Principals Australia and Deputy Chair and Executive Director at Teach For Australia.
Board member Oct 2012 – Dec 2020
Scholarships and Communications portfolios, ICT management
Roger is a consultant in education with international experience in the areas of ICT systems and the development of learning resources. He also worked in Mindanao for five years.
Board member Oct 2017 - Sept 2020
Liaison with the Filipino Community portfolio
Mario Trinidad PhD grew up in the Philippines and later studied social work at Flinders University. He has held senior positions in government and non-government welfare services in South Australia and the Northern Territory. He is also Team Leader, Community Response Team for the St Vincent De Paul Society (South Australia).
Inaugural Board member Feb 2012 – Jan 2013
Technology portfolio
Dr Graham Dodd, a nationally recognised educator in the field of Health & Physical Education with extensive experience in education at both school and tertiary level, and a successful businessman.
Inaugural Board member Feb 2012 – Feb 2014
Health and Nutrition portfolio
Jock McFarlane previously one of the leading agricultural consultants for the Department of Agriculture in SA and now continuing to conduct a successful farming business.
Treasurer and Board member Mar 2012 – Dec 2013
John Younger has been a Chartered Accountant and successful businessman with extensive experience in charitable organisation procedures and management.
Board member July 2013 – May 2015
Professional Development in Literacy portfolio
Dr Jenny Barnett previously a senior lecturer at the University of South Australia and a specialist in learning and teaching English as an additional language.
Board member July 2013 – March 2018
Events, and Professional Development in Literacy portfolios
Caroline Green has educational leadership experience in schools across remote and isolated, rural, regional and metropolitan South Australia. Recent roles have included Assistant Regional Director in the Limestone Coast and in the Adelaide Hills region and currently as Principal of Reynella East College, the largest school in South Australia.
Board member July 2013 – April 2017
Schools Learning Network portfolio
Michael O’Donoghue previously senior lecturer in Religion Studies and Education at the University of South Australia, with an interest in intercultural understanding.
Board member Feb 2014 – Dec 2016
Grants and Sponsorship portfolio
Jackie Thomson, previously Curriculum Manager, Studies of Asia DECD, with a background in countering racism, human rights and global education. Now working as an educational consultant and teaching at Flinders University.
Board member Nov 2015 – March 2018
Professional Development in Literacy portfolio
Karen Church has worked in various school leadership positions, including several years as a Primary School Principal. Her most recent position was as an Assistant Principal at Reynella East College, the largest school in South Australia.
Board member Dec 2020 – June 2021
Communications portfolio
Colin Murray has worked in Australia, the UK, and the USA across a range of roles including teacher, principal, and consultant in both independent and state schools. In 2006 he returned to S.A. after leaving New York City and worked for numerous international energy-sector clients targeting leadership.
AFFLIP Treasurer Dec 2013 to Dec 2021
Board member Dec 2013 to Dec 2021
Finance and Governance Portfolios
John Erskine AFFLIP Treasurer was previously deputy principal and education consultant and is now an established business entrepreneur, serving on an international company board.
Health and Nutrition and Events Portfolios
Schools Learning Network Portfolio
Inaugural Board member Feb 2012
Trevor Tiller was previously a district director in the Department of Education and Children’s Services in South Australia and a consultant in education. He has worked internationally including in Mindanao.
Health and Nutrition, Liaison with the Filipino Community, and Events Portfolios
Elected to the Board Dec 2019
Irene Rowe has recently joined the AFFLIP Board. She is a registered nurse with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital and health care industry. Her commitment to the Filipino Community in SA is extensive and reflected in her voluntary work including as President of the Filipino Australian Nurses and Carers Association. She brings extensive experience to the AFFLIP board in health and education having worked as a nurse educator, Tagalog translator and teacher with the Filipino Ethnic School of SA along with her role as Ambassador to Breast Screening SA and board member of the Ethnic School Association of SA.
Deputy Chairperson
Governance and Partnerships Portfolios
Elected to the Board Oct 2017
Tim Jackson AFFLIP Deputy Chair has extensive experience in executive positions in local government in South Australia and Victoria over nearly forty years. His most recent executive position was as Chief Executive Officer of the City of Playford in South Australia. He was the State Government appointed Administrator of the District Council of Coober Pedy for a period of time. He has and does serve on many boards and committees in the government and for purpose sectors.
Professional Development in Literacy and Membership and Donations Portfolios
Elected to the Board July 2013
Max Greenwood was previously a principal and training and development leader in the Department of Education and Children’s Services in South Australia. He returned to Adelaide after ten years as an English language and literacy consultant in New York and Melbourne.