Through practical educational strategies our work is giving real hope to young people living in some of the poorest areas of the Philippines.
A well informed community is an empowered one. Take a look at the AFFLIP Newsletter sent to members 3 - 4 times per year. If you are not on our mailing list let us know - you can contact us here.

The Board has been particularly active over the past few months.
We are excited to report that we have just signed a contract for $71,000 with the Magic Libraries Foundation based in Geneva to support our Guided Reading strategy over the next two years.
We are greatly indebted to this organisation for their continuing commitment to AFFLIP. Max Greenwood, Jeanette Emery and Lyn Wilkinson have been the team responsible for the development of the successful proposal and will be the people to drive this project.

Welcome to the mid-year Newsletter.
My thanks to Communications Coordinator Liz Wilson and to those who have contributed to it, including Loch Mitchell (Scholarships), Pat Maloney (Outdoor Learning) and Trevor Tiller (Health and Nutrition). The Outdoor Learning and Health and Nutrition projects featured in this issue have been funded by SMEC Australia. This organization previously partnered with AFFLIP in 2016 are we are most grateful for their support once again.

Welcome to our April update and the great news that children have returned to face-to-face learning in the schools of the Talomo District. We all wish our colleagues and friends in Talomo the best for a smooth and no doubt challenging transition.
The articles featured in this issue focus on the support of the
Finstro Foundation for four of our flagship program; the Chairman’s
Reception held to celebrate 10 years of AFFLIP and to
acknowledge our partners; and an exciting reading instruction
program for parents instigated by our Talomo Literacy Technical
Working Group.