Through practical educational strategies our work is giving real hope to young people living in some of the poorest areas of the Philippines.
AFFLIP Coordinators: Pat Maloney and Ali Douglas
TWG Coordinator: Glen Pardillo
Health and nutrition are central to learning. The focus of this portfolio has previously been the immediate needs of the many students who present at school as malnourished and the importance of students learning about approaches to healthy living, health care and the development of interpersonal, livelihood, and leadership skills. Students also learn about the science of plant propagation and aquaculture as well as developing associated practical skills.
The Health and Nutrition programme supports all schools with the provision of gardening equipment, basic first aid supplies and the promotion of first aid training as well as many innovative major projects.
AFFLIP focused initially on vegetable gardens and fish farming. With the advent of partnerships with the SMEC Australia Foundation, the Finstro Foundation, and the Maitland Rotary Club, major projects in aquaponics, hydroponics, elevated greenhouses, plant nurseries, raised garden beds, vermiculture and composting, wicking beds, and the construction of sheds in which to propagate mushrooms have also been implemented to complement the core activity of growing vegetables. All these activities are designed to increase output and intensify food production to supplement the feeding programmes of the fifteen schools.
Another exciting project has been that related to Dental Health, focusing on teeth and gums.
AFFLIP has contributed a total of $105,000 to support the Health and Nutrition program of which the SMEC Foundation has contributed $35,000 through three grants.