Through practical educational strategies our work is giving real hope to young people living in some of the poorest areas of the Philippines.
Advancing Our Philosophy
As for the Flagship Programs, each Portfolio is coordinated by a Board member and sometimes involves other members of AFFLIP. The work of each Portfolio is guided by the AFFLIP Strategic Plan and associated annual priority action plans developed by the Board in consultation with the leaders of the Talomo schools and their District Supervisors. There are regular Portfolio reports at AFFLIP Board meetings on progress made.
Coordinator: Rod Fagg
Committee: Alastair Douglas
This portfolio includes maintenance of AFFLIP records; AFFLIP correspondence; agenda and minutes of Board meetings and AGM; TWG communication; travel arrangements; oversight of the development of major AFFLIP documents such as the Annual Report; and together with the Governance Director, responsibility for key administrative and governance documentation relating to legal requirements and the AFFLIP constitution.
Coordinator: Liz Wilson
Committee: Bonnie Ryan
This portfolio involves communication with AFFLIP members, donors and the wider community and includes promotion and advocacy utilising Social Media, AFFLIP Website and Newsletter publications.
Coordinator: Deidre Fischer
Good corporate governance is imperative if an organisation is to be successful. Wikipedia defines corporate governance as “a collection of mechanisms, processes and relations by which corporations are controlled and operated”.
Coordinator: Loch Mitchell
This portfolio is a key fundraising group in AFFLIP. The events organised make a significant contribution to financing AFFLIP’s Flagship Programs and providing opportunities to promote the work of AFFLIP. Activities include organising the annual event, and planning and running other smaller scale fundraising activities such as film nights and social events. The Event Management Portfolio is largely supported by Board members committed to promotion of events and ticket sales.
Treasurer: Steve Southwood
The focus of this portfolio is to maintain a set of accounts, produce financial reports and monitor expenses in accordance with the budget and policies of the AFFLIP Board. This includes:
paying authorised invoices
receipting income
reconciling bank statements
preparing specific reports for fundraising activities
preparing specific reports for portfolios. (e.g. Scholarships/donations payments)
providing specific reports as requested by sponsors.
international transfer of funds for portfolio projects
international transfer of funds for scholarships
monitoring liquidation of funds from Davao coordinators
organising external auditing of the accounts
submitting financial reports generated by Oreon Partners to the board.
reporting the balances of all accounts to the board.
reporting the budget update/variance to the board.
preparing the budget for the financial year.
Coordinators: Tim Ryan, Alastair Douglas
The portfolio aims to promote and raise the profile of AFFLIP and to seek support and funding for AFFLIP from individuals, organisations, businesses and corporations within Australia and the Philippines.
Coordinator: Miriam Cocking
This portfolio involves liaison with members of the Australian Filipino community, mainly but not exclusively in South Australia. The liaison occurs in a number of ways which include keeping the community informed about and promoting AFFLIP and its activities through newsletters; attending Filipino association meetings when requested; communicating as necessary with the Philippines Ambassador in Canberra and the Philippines consul general in South Australia; identifying members of the Filipino community who might have an interest in participating in AFFLIP programs and events; and using the knowledge and expertise of the Filipino community to advance AFFLIP work.
Coordinator: TBA
The portfolio exists to ensure members are recognised as the lifeblood of the foundation. Continuing membership status of AFFLIP is credited to everyone who pays a joining fee of $20 or donates $20 or more. Those who sponsor a student scholarship are also recognised as members of AFFLIP. Our membership numbers are a measure of the strength of the Foundation which raises our profile and standing within the South Australian and Filipino community.