Through practical educational strategies our work is giving real hope to young people living in some of the poorest areas of the Philippines.
Please select the appropriate amount you wish to donate or provide for scholarships. Scholarships are valued at $100 per pupil per year.
Support students from impoverished backgrounds, in the Talomo School District of Davao City, who are at risk of dropping out of school. The grants are designed to encourage students to stay in school and to develop their full potential.
Scholarships, which are worth one hundred dollars (A$100) per school year, are handled and administered by each school under the supervision of the District Scholarships Coordinating committee. They cover basic school needs and charges such as school fees, club membership, uniforms, shoes, notebooks, pencils/ballpoint pens, bag, ruler, papers, and other important school materials.
For the 2020-21 School year, at the request of the Talomo administrators, the Board made the decision to provide tablets and sim cards for our sponsored scholarship students, given that the regular items supplied will not be required. The tablets will become the property and responsibility of the scholars and will enable them to join the online learning program. We have plans to evaluate the use of tablets for learning in this context with a view to approaching an IT supplier in the Philippines in the future. The tablets have been distributed to the scholars and the parents have signed Memorandums of Understanding detailing the expectations regarding the use and care of the tablets.